
Training & Objectives


The prime objective of the Institute is to provide training in the areas of Educational Management and Planning to develop the professional competence of educational functionaries from SSA & RMSA. SIEMAT has responded to this challenge with vigour, providing innovative and conceptualized training programmes for the development of capacity in a systematic manner. The institute has been organizing training programmes not only for functionaries of the Department of Elementary Education but also for those working in the sectors of secondary and higher education in Uttar Pradesh as well as for other States. SIEMAT also organizes a number of collaborative training programmes with National and International organizations like NUEPA, UNICEF, USAID on request.


Theme-based Cadre-based
-One week - Action Research & Research Methodology. -Education officers.
-One week - School Management -Dy. BSA/ABSAs.
-Three days - Gender equity Development. -Educational administrators
-One week - Decentralized Planning (Perspective Plans & Annual Plan) -Principals & Faculty members of DIETs.
-One week - Supervision & Academic Support. -Educational planners.
-Three days - EMIS. -Educational functionaries.
-Right to Education -District Coordinators
-Right to Education -District Coordinators
-Six months - Diploma in Educational Management. -Head teachers of Secondary Schools.
-Two weeks - certificate course in Educational Management. -PRIs/NGOs.
-Three days - Financial Management

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