SIEMAT has been undertaking and promoting interdisciplinary research and studies with particular focus on educational policy, planning and management, in order to generate new knowledge for formulating evidence options and strategies to ensure achievement of education sector developmental goals. Researches are conducted on various educational problems and significant issues related to school education.
Types of Researches undertaken at SIEMAT are:
• EFA (Education For All) sponsored researches
• Collaborative Research Projects
• Action Research
Dissemination of Research findings through:
• Workshops
• Seminars
• Training Programmes
• Publications
International Researches Completed by SIEMAT:
• Innovation in Quality Monitoring - School Grading System - Collaborative research (IIEP & ANTRIEP)
• A Case Study on "Successful School Management" completed by the Institute in collaboration with International Institute of Educational Planning, Paris and ANTRIEP. The study was sponsored by UNESCO
• "Improving Teachers Supervision and Support Services for Basic Education." A comprehensive report of this research was presented in a Seminar at Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) in Seoul South Korea. The report has been published by IIEP, UNESCO Paris.
Research Sponsored by NIEPA, New Delhi:
• NIEPA has sponsored a research project on "A Study on Internal Efficiency of Elementary Education in Different Districts of Uttar Pradesh using UDISE and Block Wise Analysis of Indicators of Best, Medium and Worst Performing Districts".
• Science at Secondary Level: Status and Suggestive Strategies to Improve Learning sponsored by NIEPA, New Delhi.
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