
Six Months Diploma In Educational Management–

In pursuance of National Training Policy and State Training Policy (1999), the Institute has been running a six monthly Diploma course in Educational Management since 2005. The clients of the diploma are Principals & lecturers of secondary schools. The first phase of three months is theory-based and is completed at SIEMAT and the second phase includes project work in the field. On completion of this Research Project, Diploma Certificate is awarded. List of all subjects-

1. Educational Management. 10 Educational Planning: Quantitative Aspect.
2. Educational Administration. 11. Financial Planning, Resource Mobilization and Management in Education.
3.Current Issues of School Education. 12. Research Methodologies in Education: Action Research and Innovations.
4. School Management. 13. Statistical Processes in Education.
5. System of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of students. 14. Computer Application in school Management.
6. System of Guidance and Counselling Services (with Talent Search Examination for students) 15. Office Management.
7. Management of Educational changes in the context of Global Scenario. 16. Collaboration, Net-working and Coordination among the schools, community, Education Department and other Agencies.
8. Social context of Education in India with special reference to Uttar Pradesh. 17. Trainee's Seminar.
9. Educational Planning: Concept, Types and Approaches (with special reference to institutional planning). 18. Project Work.

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